Comedian Sinbad holds a microphoneArt Movies 

Product Review: Sinbad, Where You Been?

Okay, so I’ve been away for, what, a year? Yeah, about a year. Be that as it may, I thought I’d post about one of the few comedy specials (and comedians) I like: Sinbad.

9.5/10 = 95%
I like it. Media is too subjective to pick apart. The only thing I didn’t like was the a bit of the surprise at the end, which I still think, overall, was cool.

“Where You Been” is about nine years old, but I didn’t run across it until 2017. Commentary on marriage and advice about relationships, parenting, aging, and stayin’ alive are the foci, and while those topics seem trite, nobody tackles ’em the way Sinbad does — with candor and good timing. Also, as Ms. Janet’s song says, “I’m not a prude…”, but I don’t want to hear a bunch of raunch all the time. Sinbad delivers laughs without havin’ to cuss every two syllables, without folks havin’ to be niggas and bitches, and without constant racial references (though, let’s be clear, everything IS about race).

Anyway, like Sinbad, I’m still here. I’m a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle behind, but I’m here.

Posts will be added at random, but they’ll be added.

Thanks for hangin’ in there with me.


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2 Thoughts to “Product Review: Sinbad, Where You Been?”

  1. Joy Simone

    So the funny part is this, when I read these blogs, I literally can hear your voice and it makes me laugh and have the most awesome flashbacks of our conversations. I love you.

    1. thealgaerow

      I love you, too, and that’s so good to hear. Sometimes, I worry that a bit of pretense may creep into my writin’. It’s good to hear feedback from somebody that KNOWS my voice!

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